Just a couple of things I've done lately playing with photos from my cell phone and my photo editing program. These were actually pictures of the same cactus!
I believe that art needs to be accessible for it to be appreciated and that everyone should have access to art (or the arts). Quality arts integration is something I think is important because it is a part of all of our lives. Art integration is more than just a poster done in science or social studies; it is authentic art instruction that can be used in tandem with other subject areas.
Art is more than just pretty things, it is expression of what we are unable to find words for. Images, actions, and sounds can often have a greater impact than words. Before we had written language we had paintings, music, and dance.
I'm married and I have a gi-normous cat named Benny and a mutant almost cat named Creamsicle.
I'm an artist and other things, but I've always been an artist first.