Saturday, October 17, 2009

Multimodal and 21st Century Literacies

I am currently working on my second class and it is about curriculum design for the art classroom. Being that I do not just teach art but a variety of classes I am interested in how to integrate art across the curriculum and then by also integrating technology. I recently read an article titled "Learning Through New Eyes: Rethinking Media, Popular Culture and Art Education" by David Darts of New York University. He advocates that through using media and popular culture (in art education) teachers can raise issues that students are already connected to and teach them to think more critically about the media that is ingrained within society. This got me thinking about the subject of 21st century literacies and the question of engagement that keeps coming up in my school and in my district. I Googled the term "21st century literacies" and found this video of Howard Rheingold. He has some interesting things to say that also support Dart's views, that don't simply support integration of media skills in art education, but in all education.


Willow Brown said...

I wonder why I can't see the video - just an empty white box. I like what you wrote's good to record your thoughts. I've saved your response paper about the Darts article for the thoughts and the reference.

Willow Brown said...

Also, did you change the letter colours on this blog? It looks great!

Chirtie said...

I'm not sure why you can't see it... I can see it from my computers in both Firefox and Internet explorer.

Dr Sock said...

Willow, it is a very large file. Maybe you are trying to open it with an older computer or one that doesn't have lots of RAM?

It is a good discussion of the evolution of multimodal literacies.