Saturday, September 13, 2008


This is a website I have found that is incredibly useful for both the experienced and inexperienced art teacher.
My rubric is very general so that I can use it for all my assignments but what happens when someone (like Admin or parents) asks you what elements you are looking for? Or how does the student know what you want?

This website has great definitions, examples and printable activities for both the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design. Using the website and the activities with each definition will help you teach the elements and principles (and in conjunction with some assignments) so that when it comes to a larger assignment or project you can assess what you have covered. I think it might be difficult to use these activities for division one (K-3) but they should be fine for division two. (Just modify how you assess according to grade level.)
We don't have to reinvent the wheel when we teach art so if it is already out there AND is good quality, use it! :)

You can't assess the concepts if you haven't taught them!

Here is the link: Art-iculation

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